今天苍蓝钢铁的琶音的剧场版的下半部Ars Nova Cadenza先行版发布了. 算是1day
吧. 嘛, 这些不是关键, 在视频很多地方, 如4分30秒左右(大和)、19分35秒左右(那智)、23分左右(401)等等, 出现了一坨C++代码, 甚是好奇, 于是就往Google上写了一部分上去搜, 不出意外, 搜到了……
「蒼き鋼のアルペジオ ‐アルス・ノヴァ‐」におけるC言語/C++ネタについて, 喵了眼, 靠, TV版的时候就出现了. 甚至作者在考证TV各集出现的代码的时候,
……あれ、つまり使い回し? この後のイオナのシーンでも同じだったし……。
//欸, 也就是说又用了一遍? 这之后的 Iona 出现的场景也是这个
//一直确认到第12话, 除了以上两段代码没见到别的
//还有一个剧场版的话, 等出原盘确认了之后再记下来吧
很遗憾, 这两段代码贯穿了整个动画.
第一段, 使用了模板的Point类
using namespace std;
template <class Type>
class Point
Type x, y;
Point( Type, Type );
void pr();
template <class Type>
Point<Type>::Point( Type ax, Type ay )
this->x = ax;
this->y = ay;
template <class Type>
void Point<Type>::pr()
cout << "(" << this->x << "," << this->y << ")" << endl;
int main()
Point<int> pint( 0, 1 );
Point<double> pdouble( 1.2, 3.4 );
Point<char> pchar( 'a', 'b' );
return 0;
第二段, 氦原子轨道的计算
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void)
int i;
double r,E,rm;
double vya,vyb,poten,VX,VY,prexx,preyy,WN,ra,rb;
double xx,yy,vk,preVY,preWN,midWN,leng,wav,ac;
double me=9.1093826e-31;
double pai=3.141592653589793;
double epsi=8.85418781787346e-12;
double h=6.62606896e-34;
double ele=1.60217653e-19;
double Z = 2.0;
double nucle = 6.64465650e-27;
rm = (2.0*me*nucle) / (2.0*me + nucle); /*reduced mass of helium*/
rm = rm*0.5;
/*input r1 and |E|*/
printf("r1 between nucleus and electron 1 (MM)? ");
scanf("%lf", &r);
printf("total energy |E| of helium atom (eV) ? ");
scanf("%lf", &E);
for (i = 1; i < 100; i++)
/*repeat until r1=initial r1+100*/
/*poten = potential energy*/
poten = -(2.0*Z*ele*ele) / (4.0*pai*epsi*r) + (ele*ele) / (4.0*pai*epsi*2.0*r);
/*vya= total E-potential energy*/
vya = -(E*1.60217646e-19) - poten*1.0e14;
if (vya > 0)
/*vyb=electron initial velocity (m/sec)*/
vyb = sqrt(vya / me);
VY = vyb*1.0e-9; /*change m/sec to MM/SS*/
prexx = r; VX = 0.0; WN = 0.0; preyy = 0.0;
xx = prexx + VX; yy = preyy + VY; /*electron 1 position after 1SS*/
preVY = VY; preWN = WN;
vk = VX*VX + VY*VY;
leng = sqrt(vk) * 1.0e-14; /*moving length (m) for 1 SS*/
wav = h / (rm*sqrt(vk) * 1.0e9); /*de Broglie wavelength (m)*/
WN = WN + leng / wav; /*add de Broglie wavelength*/
/*calculation of VX,VY from Coulomb force*/
ra = sqrt(prexx*prexx + preyy*preyy); /*between nucleus and electron*/
rb = sqrt(4.0*prexx*prexx + 2.0*preyy*preyy); /*between two electrons*/
ra = ra*1.0e-14; rb = rb*1.0e-14; /*change MM to meter*/
prexx = prexx*1.0e-14; preyy = preyy*1.0e-14;
ac = (ele*ele) / (4.0*pai*epsi*rm);
/*acceleration (MM/SS^2)*/
VX = VX + 1.0e-32*ac*prexx*(-Z / (ra*ra*ra) + 2.0 / (rb*rb*rb));
VY = VY + 1.0e-32*ac*preyy*(-Z / (ra*ra*ra) + 1.0 / (rb*rb*rb));
prexx = xx; preyy = yy;
while (xx >= 0); /*electron has moved one quater of an orbit?*/
if (VY > -0.0001 && VY < 0.0001)
/*last VY condition*/
printf("r1= %.2f ", r);
printf("VX= %.6f ", VX);
printf("VY= %.6f ", VY);
printf("preVY= %.6f ", preVY);
midWN = (preWN + WN) / 2.0; printf("midWN= %.6f\n", midWN);
r = r + 1;
return 0;
啊 Iona 消失了, 不大爽.